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Back to work, back to school-well almost and maintaining hope and kindness

Time to write a few words and reflect as the new year runs apace. World leaders are again meeting and issues of high importance are discussed, debated and argued over. Hopefully sometimes even some consensus-yes that would be wonderful and you never know. When we find there is a crisis we seem to argue less and collaborate more. Recently, we have all opened our hearts and/or wallets for the victims and survivors of the bush fires ad other good causes.

My recent blogs have talked about staying positive and maintaining hope and about kindness. Despite what some may say, “But how will that help in real terms?” Well may they say that, why not, after all, everyone should be able to have their say.

With thousands of mediations under my belt over these past 25 years, I continue to be a great supporter of finding a win/win and glass half full approach. It is often all that is left where there is high conflict and acrimony. Staying positive, having hope and learning kindness really can help the medicine go down-it’s even better that just a spoon full of sugar. For a moment I forgot to mention a touch of humour to be added to the mix-agreed, that this is sometimes too much of a stretch, but where things are really bad it may just help a little.

May I close by quoting a few lines from my poem: “When There is Nothing Left, You Find There is Always More” soon to be released in my next book “Life Is A Dance”.

There are people in all of this terrible drought.

They live and breathe, the farmers and their families.

They hang in despite the odds.

Each day they mostly survive,

They live on like the ANZACS,

In battles past and more recent.

They are Australians.

Like every person who serves their community’s needs.

The firies,

The medical teams, the police to name a few.

People are generous,

Donations are made,

It will rain again,

We must have hope and trust,

That is a must.

Stand united, together, albeit in the dust.

There can and will be more,

There are better times in store.


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