To smile, to laugh, to be kind and gracious.
To resiliently cope despite the stress,
To the outsider, life is sometimes seen as a mess.
I guess,
But what would I know, may I go, how low.
So I look, observe and respect, never direct, nor instruct.
To be, to see, no, not me.
To go up high, along and into the bigger world.
Forwards, onwards, but accept occasional backwards;
Fairness and kindness.
Love and warm wishes,
Skills, and the will to go ever upwards and onwards.
(From 'Storm Clouds & Silver Linings; My Journey' by Tom Stodulka)
All around us every day are people who inspire you to reach up and go forward to do good things and try to inspire others. Whether it is someone in a wheel chair or someone who has suffered a life threatening injury through accident or terrible twist of fate, they move on and achieve the impossible. They often show a will power and determination which exceed all bounds. They climb mountains and soar up high with a passion and commitment which truly show the impossible is possible. Wow! You are true heroes on this earth and give hope to so many. You literally climb mountains, sail yachts, do great works and complete outstanding studies and go on to achieve greatness in so many ways. You excel in sports and win gold in international competitions.
It is a privilege to see you in action and help so many aspire to stretch beyond the realms of one’s own expectations. Most of us can relate to such inspiration and go forward, in turn to achieve the most difficult of goals and challenges. A big thank you to every one of you.